MQ Pride Night

Institutional invitation to curate the MQ Pride Night by MuseumsQuartier (MQ) Vienna, one of the largest districts for contemporary art and culture in the world.

The performing arts presentation and aftershow was curated to highlight and uplift local queer artists during Vienna Pride Month. The theme brought the focus to how queer bodies are often excluded from public spaces and events, particularly those who are most marginalized in mainstream society and mainstream Pride Events.

The line-up of performances was diverse in order to showcase a plurality of artistic approaches. This included an operetta story by Danielle Pamp, a vocal evocation of Ethiopian ancestrial linage by Faris Cuchi, drag performances by the group Haus of Rausch, and vogue performances by Kiki House of Dive. This was followed by DJ set by Bicha Boo Collective, an audio-visual, performative and festive collective.

The evening was curated and moderated by Daniel Hill, and co-moderated with Denise Palmieri.

The free and public event attracted approximately 500 guests and had a running time of 3 hours. The next edition is scheduled for June 4, 2024.

Photo documentation by Simon Veres / curtesy of MQ Wien.


Capturing Absence